FG-250-040 Grooving Tool - Face Grooving, 040 Width, 050 Proj, 1/4 Min Bore Dia, 215 Max Bore Depth, 1/8 Offset, 1/4 Shank Dia, 2-1/2 OAL, Uncoated
FG-250-040 Grooving Tool - Face Grooving, 040 Width, 050 Proj, 1/4 Min Bore Dia, 215 Max Bore Depth, 1/8 Offset, 1/4 Shank Dia, 2-1/2 OAL, Uncoated
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Designed for generating square grooves in the face of the part Polished split face for improved edge retention and chip evacuation while reducing galling Split geometry makes the tool as rigid as possible Relief ground along Maximum Bore Depth (L2) to avoid interference during deep hole applications Sharp corner profile